Virtual reality with React: Moving from React VR to React 360

Recently, I built a virtual reality application called Find Your Zen — originally built in React VR, now ported over to React 360 — which allows the user to choose his or her immersive meditation environment, each of which comes with its own mantra inspired by the show “The Good Place”. If you want an … More Virtual reality with React: Moving from React VR to React 360

Facebook’s new Oculus Go increases access to high-quality VR

Imagine finding yourself at the top of a thrilling roller coaster, traveling through a vein in the human body, or being transported to the bustle of a faraway city — all without leaving your room. With Facebook’s new Oculus Go, I was able to treat my mother to a gondola ride through Venice on Mother’s … More Facebook’s new Oculus Go increases access to high-quality VR