Launch Academy: Wrapping Up

Hello, World!

I’m a full-stack web developer now.

The past 10 weeks were the most challenging and thrilling of my life. I pushed myself beyond what I’d thought were my limits, learned a ton, and made great friends. I’m in awe and so proud of everyone I had a chance to work with at Launch Academy. Two of my friends are Launch Academy‘s newest instructors, and I’m thrilled for them and for the cohorts they’ll mentor.

After 3 months of Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, RSpec, Capybara, and more, I remain hungry to learn. This past week, I began trying my hand at Angular — and found it a lot of fun! — and I’d like to start learning Python, as well. I’m also spending my time improving my Ruby and JavaScript skills via practice problems and reading up on testing best practices.

I’m also excited to integrate myself more into the Boston tech community. I’ve come across some cool tech-related volunteer opportunities, so I’m hoping to pursue those. I’m looking forward to attending the Boston Ruby Group (BostonRB) meeting tonight, Girl Develop It‘s Code and Coffee next week, and a She Geeks Out dinner later this month. I’ve also heard awesome things about Code for Boston, which meets on Tuesdays (same as BostonRB), so I’ll probably be switching between those two each week.

You can view my capstone project — a volunteer-match app called HyperLocal — for Launch Academy here.

HyperLocal screenshot

And here are the links to my other projects, for your convenience:

iSpy Street Art

Beantown Starch

In addition to this blog, you can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub.

What’s next is still to be determined, but I’m looking forward to the journey!

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